
CHAMP.ČR V1, VT Qvenn z Krupičkova mlýna x Greis z Kmene Čeroký
Date of birth18.6.2015 (2 females, 2 males)

greis Name:Greis z Kmene Čeroký
Date of birth: 5.12.2005
Father: Yasko Hartis Bohemia
Mother: Dixi z Kmene Čeroký
Breed survey: 1st class 5JX1/P
Hips: HD 0/0
Shows: Excellent
Titles: ZM,ZVV1,FPr1
Competiton: Statečné psí srdce 2011
More information on website
Phone: 607 234 466
Owner: Hana Mišíková